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Hoops2LIfe Basketball operates as a faith-based, charitable organization and thrives due to the countless volunteer hours logged by our coaching and administrative teams. They work extremely hard to pour into the lives of and to create a healthy environment for the players we serve. We are always in need of talented individuals who are interested in lending their service to and becoming a part of the Hoops2Life family. There are a variety of ways to participate and be involved so please click on the "Contact Us" tab on the website to reach and get involved!


Hoops2Life requires background checks for its volunteers.  Any volunteer who operates as an official representative of the Hoops2Life organization and who comes in direct contact with our players must have this clearance completed. Volunteers should initiate this process on their own.
Please visit the following websites and follow the directions to obtain your clearances:
Federal Criminal History Record ($28.75) - Fingerprints
If you have lived in Pennsylvania for the past 10 years you do not need to be fingerprinted (Federal Criminal History Record), but you will need to fill out the attached waiver form and provide it to Hoops2life along with your other two clearances.
PA Criminal Background check (free) - PA Criminal Background Check
Child Abuse clearance (free) - Child Abuse Clearance
Once you have obtained copies of your background clearances please provide a copy to Reggie Parks, Hoops2Life Director. Feel free to email all completed information to
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